Friday, February 10, 2012

Diamond Foods Cans CEO; Stock Dives

Diamond Foods (DMND) stock was plummeting Thursday after the company replaced
its CEO and CFO amid an accounting scandal.

Pepsi & Coke: 2 Soda Stocks With No Pop

Coca-Cola and Pepsi face too many headwinds, and their stocks are too fully
valued, to consider buying for now.

The Thank Yous Continue To Hit My Email, Check Them Out

I am writing to you to thank you for the above email that I received from you.

En dépit Hesitancy… de BernankeIl donnera In…Et fusée de volonté pour le prix Or

Président de la réserve fédérale Ben Bernanke déclare qu'il n'est pas
virant vers une autre ronde de sa solution préférée

Un prix plus élevé d'or est la meilleure raison pour QE

Assouplissement quantitatif est la seule solution, selon la réserve fédérale,
pour aider

Treasury Bonds Uniformly Weaken in 2012

The message across 10 government-bond ETFs and ETNs is clear -- Investors are
signaling across the board a strong message that risk-taking is back.

Banks Agree to $25 Billion Foreclosure Settlement

The long-awaited deal aims to help more than 1 million Americans by lowering
principal amounts due and getting $2,000 cash payments.

ECB Left Interest Rate Unchanged at 1.00% – February 9

Despite expectations for another rate cut, the European Central Bank left again
the basic interest rate at 1.00% for the second consecutive month; the last time
ECB had reduced the rate was back in December by 0.25 percent points.

Will Smart TVs End the Game Console Business?

Will Smart TVs end the game console business? As games shift to online delivery,
the PlayStation, Xbox, and Wii consoles may be cut out of the action.

Facebook’s Amended S-1 Illustrates Zynga’s Importance

Facebook has quickly amended its S-1, and it provides more detail on its
partnership with social gamemaker Zynga.

5 Signs Unemployment Will Rise Again Soon

A steady drumbeat of large-scale layoffs and cutbacks could eventually cast a
shadow over the recent 8.3% headline jobless rate.

Presentation: an overview of #Mawarid’s mining operations in Oman

Jan Jensen from Omani mining company Mawarid provided insight into the
company's mining and processing operations in Oman on day one of the MENA
Mining Congress 2011. The CEO gave a review of the progress of Mawarid's
current copper mining program, discussing the uniqueness of the Al Batinah
region and outlined the company's community development programme. Mr Jensen
also provided an overview of Mawarid's plans outside Oman, including
exploration into Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia. Click here to download a copy of
the full presentation from Mawarid.

No Fast-Food Tie-Ins for ‘Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax’

The star of "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" is an eco-friendly guy, so commercial tie-ins
with almost 70 partners will focus on planet-saving activities.

What’s Next For Europe?

CNN Money By Cyrus Sanati February 6, 2012 To form a strong fiscal union and
return confidence to the euro, eurozone members must be willing to give up some
degree of control of their national budgets to a central European authority.
FORTUNE — The European Central Bank has thrown cold water on the sovereign
debt crisis by injecting billions of euros into the banking system, but the
embers of the crisis are still smoldering. S&P says the eurozone has a 40%
chance of entering a severe recession this year, with the economy projected to
shrink by as much as 2%. Unless comprehensive reform creates a much tighter
fiscal union, uncertainty will continue to cast a dark cloud over Europe's
economic future. It may seem as if Europe is out of the woods. Bond yields for

Why Whole Foods Will Destroy All Rivals

It's a dominant brand with extraordinary pricing power and high barriers to
entry -- and net margins are nearly triple those of regular grocers.

“No es conveniente retirar agua a minera Southern”

El presidente de la Asociación de Municipalidades de la Región Tacna (Amret),
Santiago Curi Velásquez, consideró de extremista la posición de cancelar las
licencias de agua a la empresa minera Southern Peru para el uso del recurso
hídrico para la explotación de los yacimientos en Toquepala y Cuajone.
POSICIÓN Desde su punto de vista, tanto las autoridades nacionales como de la
región deben lograr el consenso durante la reunión de la mesa de trabajo que
sostendrán hoy con el premier Óscar Valdés. "No se puede cortar el agua a
nadie, todo tiene un proceso, hay que tener en cuenta que existen convenios
internacionales, autorizaciones del ANA (Autoridad Nacional de Agua) y decir que
se devolverá el agua no es oportuno, lo ideal sería dar un tiempo
perentorio", sostuvo. Luego de este plazo la empresa Southern Peru y otras
mineras que realicen actividades mineras deben buscar otras fuentes de recurso
hídrico para que no se afecte el agua de la cabecera de cuenca. Agregó que los
miembros del Amret se reunirán con el premier a partir de las 3 p.m. en el
auditorio de la Zofratacna. Fuente:

Sanofi Snags FDA Approval for a Head Lice Lotion

French pharma giant Sanofi gets approval for a lice lotion that only takes 10
minutes to apply and has minor side effects.

It’s Time to Get Behind the Wheel of GM

General Motors is looking like a winner going into next week's earnings report
-- in the long run, a drive toward big margins are commendable, but no

Traders: Take Your AKAM Profits and Run

Fourth-quarter earnings look to pop Akamai Technologies into a good zone for
traders to take profits, and a pullback could present another opportunity to

Inversión privada crecería 8% en Perú este año en escenario conservador

La inversión privada crecería en Perú ocho por ciento en el presente año,
bajo un escenario conservador, dado el entorno de alta incertidumbre mundial,
señaló el banco Scotiabank. Si bien los empresarios están más cómodos con
la situación política interna y menos preocupados, o tal vez más
acostumbrados a los riesgos del entorno internacional, en el 2009 ocurrió un
quiebre muy rápido y profundo en las expectativas de los inversionistas,
recordó.Señaló que actualmente existen señales de intenciones de invertir en
el 2012 – 2013 en forma relativamente agresiva en una diversidad de sectores,
incluyendo retail (tiendas de departamentos y supermercados), bancos,
construcción e inmobiliario e incluso minería e hidrocarburos. Pero es
particularmente notable el salto que se viene dando en la inversión minera ,
señaló el Departamento de Estudios Económicos del banco en su Reporte
Especial "Perú: Proyecciones Macroeconómica 2012 – 2013".Explicó que en
general existe confianza entre los mineros de que los precios se mantendrán
relativamente altos; y, si bien los conflictos sociales están afectando algunos
proyectos puntuales, no parece estar contagiando los planes de inversión de la
minería en su conjunto .Subrayó que el 2012 – 2013 será un período en que
tanto el sector privado como el público contribuirán al crecimiento, a
diferencia del 2011 cuando el Sector Público restó aproximadamente un punto
porcentual a la expansión del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI).Recordó que el
Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) espera un crecimiento de 30 por ciento
en la inversión pública, y crecer sobre una base tan baja como en el 2011
ayuda, pero es difícil hacer supuestos sobre la velocidad con que los gobiernos
regionales y locales mejorarán su capacidad de gasto en el tiempo."Ante la
incertidumbre, preferimos ser cautos. Nuestra proyección de crecimiento de 23
por ciento es menor a la proyección oficial, pero aún así implica un nuevo
récord en monto total de inversión pública (28,000 millones de nuevos soles
versus el récord anterior de 26,000 millones registrado en el 2010)",
agregó.También comentó que el consumo público y consumo privado tienden a
ser más constantes en el tiempo y la proyección del consumo público está en
línea, en general, con el presupuesto.La proyección del Scotiabank del consumo
privado toma como pauta el crecimiento del empleo formal, de 5.5 por ciento en
el 2011.El consumo privado, a diferencia del gasto público y la inversión
privada, mantuvo su solidez en el 2011 y ha empezado el 2012 en forma muy
robusta, subrayó.Por lo general, los sectores vinculados a la demanda interna
crecerán en el 2012 – 2013 y una de las fortalezas que tiene el país es la
demanda interna, lo cual reduce la importancia de las exportaciones y amortigua
el impacto de shocks externos, indicó. Short URL :

Producción 2011 de Cobre, Estaño, Zinc, Plomo, Hierro, Oro, Plata, Molibdeno, Tungsteno

La producción peruana de cobre fue de 122,642 toneladas métricas finas (TMF)
en diciembre del 2011, 6.49 por ciento más con relación a la del mismo mes del
2010 (115,171 TMF), reportó hoy el Ministerio de Energía y Minas (MEM). La
Dirección de Promoción Minera (DPM) del MEM indicó que este crecimiento se
debe principalmente a los incrementos observados en la producción de Xstrata
Tintaya (43 por ciento), Minera Milpo (28 por ciento) y Minera Antamina (24 por
ciento).Minera El Brocal y Minera Cerro Verde, por su parte, informaron una
disminución en su producción de 24 y 18 por ciento, respectivamente.La
producción acumulada de cobre en el 2011 fue de un millón 235,198 TMF, menor
en 0.96 por ciento a la del año 2010 (un millón 247,184 TMF).La producción de
zinc fue de 102,262 TMF en diciembre del año pasado, disminuyendo 6.26 por
ciento frente a la del mismo mes del 2010, cuando reportó 109,087 TMF.Este
resultado se explica por la menor producción de este mineral en Volcan
Compañía Minera (-33 por ciento), Empresa Minera Los Quenuales (-32 por
ciento) y Minera Colquisiri (-31 por ciento).Los mayores crecimientos se dieron
en la producción de Catalina Huanca Sociedad Minera (36 por ciento) y
Compañía Minera Milpo (27 por ciento).En el 2011 la producción acumulada es
de un millón 255,899 TMF, cifra inferior en 14.59 por ciento a la del año
2010, que fue de un millón 470,450 TMF.Por su parte, la producción de plomo
fue de 20,896 TMF en diciembre del 2011 y se incrementó 6.67 por ciento
respecto al mismo mes del 2010, cuando ascendió a 19,589 TMF.Dicho resultado se
explica por la mayor producción en Minera Atacocha (82 por ciento), Pan
American Silver Mina Quiruvilca (37 por ciento) y Catalina Huanca (32 por
ciento).En Minera Los Quenuales y Volcan Compañía Minera la producción
disminuyó en 57 y 27 por ciento, respectivamente, en comparación a lo
reportado en diciembre del 2010.La producción de plomo en el 2011 fue de
230,019 TMF, menor en 12.20 por ciento a la del 2010, que fue de 261,990 TMF.La
producción de hierro fue de 736,944 toneladas largas finas (TLF), en el último
mes del 2011, lo que representa un aumento de 24.54 por ciento en relación a la
diciembre del 2010 (591,721 TLF).Shougang Hierro Perú es la única empresa
productora de este mineral a través de su unidad CPS, que está ubicada en
Ica.Durante el 2011 la producción acumulada de hierro fue de siete millones
10,938 TLF, 16.02 por ciento más frente a la del 2010 (seis millones 42,644
TLF).La producción peruana de oro fue de 13 millones 713,769 gramos finos en
diciembre del 2011, lo que supera en 6.79 por ciento a la de diciembre del 2010,
que fue de 12 millones 842,312 gramos finos, anunció hoy el Ministerio de
Energía y Minas (MEM).La Dirección de Promoción Minera (DPM) del MEM explicó
que este resultado se debe a la mayor producción que se registró en Minera La
Zanja (61 por ciento), Xstrata Tintaya (59 por ciento) y Barrick Misquichilca
(52 por ciento).En Minera Ares y Minas Buenaventura la producción disminuyó en
36 y 16 por ciento, respectivamente, en comparación a lo reportado en diciembre
del 2010.La producción acumulada de oro en el 2011 fue de 164 millones 13,489
gramos finos, menor en 0.04 por ciento a la del 2010 (164 millones 84,389 gramos
finos).La producción de plata tuvo un descenso de 3.95 por ciento al reportar
300,141 kilogramos finos en diciembre de 2011 menor a los 312,499 kilogramos
finos en diciembre del 2010.Esta disminución se debe a la menor producción de
Minera Ares (-28 por ciento), Minera Suyamarca (-28 por ciento) y Volcan
Compañía Minera (-25 por ciento); mientras que Minas Buenaventura tuvo un
incremento de diez por ciento.En el 2011 la producción acumulada fue de tres
millones 414,010 kilogramos finos, menor en 6.22 por ciento a la del mismo
período del 2010 (tres millones 640,465 kilogramos finos).Por su parte, la
producción de molibdeno fue de 1,861 toneladas métricas finas (TMF) en
diciembre del 2011, 3.50 por ciento más respecto a las 1,798 TMF de diciembre
del año previo.Este mineral es producido por Southern Peru Copper Corporation
Sucursal del Perú, Cía. Minera Antamina y Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde.En el
2011 la producción acumulada de molibdeno fue de 19,141 TMF, superior en 12.84
por ciento a las 16,963 TMF del año 2010.La producción de tungsteno en
diciembre del 2011 fue de 26 TMF, menor en 57.73 por ciento a la del mismo mes
del 2010 (61 TMF).La producción acumulada de este mineral en el 2011 fue de 546
TMF, menor en 23.81 por ciento a la del año 2010 (716 TMF).Finalmente, la
producción de estaño a cargo de la única empresa productora (Minsur) fue de
2,258 TMF en diciembre del 2011, 6.42 por ciento menos a las 2,413 TMF del mismo
mes del 2010.En el año 2011 la producción acumulada de estaño fue de 28,882
TMF, 14.67 por ciento menos que la del 2010 (33,848 TMF). Short URL : Posted by PeruMineria on feb 3 2012. Filed
under Noticias, Producción. You can follow any responses to this entry through
the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Pepsi Mini-Movie Is Most Popular Online Video in China

Pepsi has pulled out all the stops for the Chinese New Year with 10-minute mini
movie "Bring Happiness Home" that has over 100 million views online in

Wednesday Apple Rumors: Sprint Continues to Struggle, but its iPhone Sales Shine

iPhone sales have been a bright spot for wireless carrier Sprint, even as it
continues to struggle with earnings results.

Dirigentes denuncian sabotaje a La Oroya

Acusan a Cormin-Trafigura de intentar trabar proceso de reestructuración de
Doe Run Perú. Según los trabajadores, existen fuertes intereses económicos
detrás de las críticas contra el proceso de Junta de Acreedores. Los
dirigentes sindicales mineros Royberto Guzmán y Amid Yangali cuestionaron a los
representantes de la empresa del grupo Cormin-Trafigura de intentar boicotear el
proceso de reestructuración de Doe Run Perú, operador del Complejo
Metalúrgico deLa Oroya, para beneficiarse económicamente. Según la versión
de Guzmán, secretario general del Sindicato de Trabajadores Metalúrgicos de
Doe Run Perú, los representantes de Cormin estarían desfasados y no buscarían
el desarrollo del país. "Ellos piensan que solamente alzando la voz, estos
grandes problemas (del Complejo Metalúrgico) ya se han solucionado. No
contribuyen con el país, como se sabe, Cormin-Trafigura es una empresa
acopiadora de mineral que vende a terceros y no le conviene que se reinicie las
operaciones de la fundición porque, perderían clientes", sostuvo Guzmán.
Asimismo, cuestionó la actitud de los abogados de este "trader
internacional" ya que por sus intereses económicos, buscan despertar
suspicacias para entorpecer el proceso que devolvería la fuerza productiva a la
provincia de Yauli-La Oroya. AMID YANGALI Por su parte, Yangali, secretario
general dela Unidad Minerade Cobriza (vinculada a Doe Run Perú), sostuvo que
desde el inicio de este proceso, Cormin ha querido truncar el reinicio de las
operaciones del Complejo Metalúrgico. "Ellos tienen intereses económicos muy
fuertes, las declaraciones del abogado Puelles, no fueron graves, pero podría
generar suspicacias y entorpecer este proceso de aprobación del Plan de
Reestructuración", dice Yangali. Frente a ello, el dirigente sindical
comentó que confía en el Plan de Reestructuración que ha presentado Doe Run
Perú y cree que prontola Comisiónde energía y Minas apruebela Ampliacióndel
Programa de Adecuación y Manejo Ambiental (PAMA). "Yo creo que este proceso
está en su etapa final y es bastante importante que se puedan continuar con las
operaciones y pido a la opinión pública que esté vigilante para que nadie
pueda frenarlo. Las autoridades involucradas en esto, saben que vamos por el
buen camino y todos los trabajadores nos mantenemos expectantes de la
aprobación del Plan de Reestructuración", advierte Yangali. PIDE CELERIDAD
AL CONGRESO Guzmán precisó que, desde hace varias semanas, los trabajadores
continúan insistiendo para que se acelere el proceso de aprobación del
Proyecto de Ley que permitirá la ampliación del PAMA a Doe Run Perú.
"Quiero pedir a los integrantes dela Comisiónde energía y Minas que aceleren
la aprobación de este Proyecto de Ley para que se trate este asunto del PAMA
porque se tiene que viabilizar la culminación de la última etapa dela Plantade
Tratamiento de Ácido Sulfúrico y eso creo que va a ser saludable para mejorar
el trabajo en la región y sobre todo garantizar el respeto a la salud y
medioambiente, con ello, se mantendrá controlados la emisión de gases y evitar
contaminar el medioambiente", dijo Guzmán. El sindicalista refiere que
"hemos estado esperando el resultado de las opiniones que ha solicitadola
Comisiónde energía y Minas al ministerio del mismo sector, al Gobierno
Regional de Junín y a Indecopi, entre ellos, sabemos que Indecopi ya cumplió
con la opinión ante esta comisión del Legislativo, así como, al gobierno
regional" Fuente:

Wednesday Apple Rumors: Sprint Continues to Struggle, but its iPhone Sales Shine

iPhone sales have been a bright spot for wireless carrier Sprint, even as it
continues to struggle with earnings results.

Pepsi Mini-Movie Is Most Popular Online Video in China

Pepsi has pulled out all the stops for the Chinese New Year with 10-minute mini
movie "Bring Happiness Home" that has over 100 million views online in

Bernanke Urges Caution In Sharp Deficit Cutting

Associated Press By Martin Crutsinger February 2, 2012 Bernanke urges Congress
to be careful not to derail recovery with excessive deficit reduction WASHINGTON
(AP) — Ben Bernanke is urging lawmakers to balance their desire to cut
deficits with policies that could help boost the weak economy in the short run.
Bernanke told the House Budget Committee that he recognizes that huge budget
deficits represent a serious threat to the economy. "Even as fiscal
policymakers address the urgent issue of fiscal sustainability, they should take
care not to unnecessarily impede the current economic recovery," Bernanke
said. "Fortunately, the two goals … are fully compatible." The Federal
Reserve chairman is testifying a week after the Fed signaled that a full
recovery could take at least three more years. As a result, the Fed said it
doesn't plan to raise its benchmark interest rate from a record low before
late 2014 at the earliest. The hearing began on a contentious note. Chairman
Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, said the Fed's policies were adding to
uncertainty and raising risks of higher inflation down the road. Ryan was
critical of the Fed's decision last week to announce that it hoped to hold
interest rates at record low levels for three more years. "I think this policy
runs the great risk of fueling asset bubbles, destabilizing prices and
eventually eroding the value of the dollar," Ryan told Bernanke. "The
prospect of all three is adding to uncertainty and holding our economy back."
Bernanke is also appearing two days after the Congressional Budget Office
estimated that the deficit will top $1 trillion for a fourth straight year and
could stay around that level for years. The two leaders offered contrasting
views last summer over how to handle high budget deficits. Bernanke warned
Republicans that threatening to block a pending increase in the nation's
borrowing limit could hurt the economy. He said the debt ceiling was the
"wrong tool" for trying to push federal spending cuts through Congress. Ryan
countered at the time that using the debt-ceiling vote as leverage to win
meaningful deficit reductions was a valid approach. This time, Bernanke will
likely point to some economic improvements. Factories are making more goods.
Americans are buying more cars. The unemployment rate is near its lowest level
in nearly three years. And employers have produced six straight months of solid
hiring. Still, growth was only modest in the final three months of last year.
And consumers will likely slow their spending if hiring and pay increases
don't strengthen. A key reason the deficit has surged in the past four years
is that the government collected less tax revenue. In part, that's because the
economy has yet to regain the millions of jobs lost during the Great Recession.
And the government has had to spend more on emergency unemployment benefits and
efforts to boost growth, such as the Social Security tax cut that will expire in
February unless Congress extends it. The Fed has also taken extraordinary
measures during and after the recession to try to help the economy recover. In
June, it completed its second round of bond buying. At a news conference after
last week's Fed meeting, Bernanke said a third round of bond buying might be
necessary. Some economists think the Fed could announce more bond buying as soon
as its next meeting in March. View the original article here

Pepsi Mini-Movie Is Most Popular Online Video in China

Pepsi has pulled out all the stops for the Chinese New Year with 10-minute mini
movie "Bring Happiness Home" that has over 100 million views online in

Wednesday Apple Rumors: Sprint Continues to Struggle, but its iPhone Sales Shine

iPhone sales have been a bright spot for wireless carrier Sprint, even as it
continues to struggle with earnings results.

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Develops Anti-Google Marketing Campaign

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has launched a campaign against Google.
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Develops Anti-Google Marketing Campaign
Reports say that Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has carried out a three day
marketing campaign against Google, in American newspapers. The software giant
claims that its Internet Explorer 9 browser was better than Googles Chrome in
blocking online advertisers and from monitoring users browsing habits. Frank
Shaw, the chief of Corporate Connection in Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT),
said that, The changes Google announced make it harder, not easier, for people
to stay in control of their own information. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)
takes a different approach". Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) company shares are
currently standing at 30.77. Price History Last Price: 30.77 52 Week Low / High:
23.65 / 30.8 50 Day Moving Average: 27.34 6 Month Price Change %: 26.7% 12 Month
Price Change %: 8.4%

Google Alert - antiques coin

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Operation Twist Making it “Tough to Fight the Fed”

The Federal Reserves Operation Twist program has continued to indirectly
benefit gold prices by keeping long-term interest rates artificially low. Under
the program, which is scheduled to end in June 2012, the Fed is purchasing
longer-term Treasuries and selling equal amounts of shorter-term Treasuries in
an effort to keep long-term interest rates near record minimum levels.

Claude Resources Eyes Production, Resource Growth in 2012

Claude Resources (CRJ.TSX, AMEX: CGR) announced that it expects to produce
approximately 50,500 ounces of gold in 2012 from its 100%-owned Seabee Gold

Gold and Silver Fall on Rejected Greece Deal

Eurozone finance ministers say Greece must find hundreds of millions more in
spending cuts before additional emergency funds will be released.

Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) To Take On Dropbox With Cloud Storage?

Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) may be set to launch a cloud storage product GDrive
in the coming weeks. Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) To Take On Dropbox With Cloud
Storage? The Wall Street Journal has reported that Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) is
planning to launch its cloud storage GDrive in the coming weeks to challenge
Dropbox. GDrive will allow users to upload and store content which will be
accessible from anywhere if they have internet connection. The company will
offer the service for free. The report cited sources familiar with the matter,
"If a person wants to email a video shot from a smartphone, for instance, he
can upload it to the Web through the Drive mobile app and email people a link to
the video rather than a bulky file". Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) shares are
currently standing at 611.46. Price History Last Price: 611.46 52 Week Low /
High: 473.02 / 670.25 50 Day Moving Average: 616.61 6 Month Price Change %:
11.1% 12 Month Price Change %: -1.4%

Gold Price Sinks Alongside Stocks, Commodities

GOLD PRICE NEWS – The gold price plunged Friday as global stock and commodity
markets fell amid fresh worries over whether Greek politicians will pass the
austerity measures necessary for the financially-strapped nation to receive its
next installment of bailout funds.

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) To Integrate Skype

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is planning to integrate Skype and Lync
together. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) To Integrate Skype According to
reports Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), the computer giant, is planning to
integrate its Skype and Lync instant messaging services. The integration of the
two will hugely benefit current Skype users. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)
executive said that, "Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) thinks [Lync] is a
big opportunity. Part of the reason why we love the Skype acquisition is because
when you think about the integration between Skype and Lync, between the
enterprise and the consumer, it ends up being a pretty interesting opportunity
as we go forward there. Lync and Skype are not integrated today. So while
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has nothing formal to announce today
regarding Lync and Skype, were incredibly excited about the opportunities to
extend the value of Skype to other Microsoft products and services". Microsoft
Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) shares were at 30.77 at the end of the last days trading.
Theres been a 17.0% movement in the stock price over the past 3 months.
Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) Analyst Advice Consensus Opinion: Moderate Buy
Mean recommendation: 1.88 (1=Strong Buy, 5=Strong Sell) 3 Months Ago: 1.78 Zacks
Rank: 16 out of 93 in the industry

Todays DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average DJI Index; Nasdaq Index; S&P 500 Stock market Investing News Today


dow2664 Today’s DJIA, Nasdaq, S&P 500 Market Trends Today: The primary indices in the U.S. were posting green at the mid-way point of the last trading session, but trends were choppy. The DJI Index , as well as the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 Indices, posted fluctuating trends throughout the last session. The ongoing debt crisis in the eurozone is the primary catalyst for the inconsistent trends. Economic data posting last session was also mixed . Although initial unemployment claims dropped lower, those filing to continue claims notched higher than expected. According to the government’s data, the number of Americans applying for first time unemployment dropped 15,000 to 358,000 for the week ended Feb. 4. This mark was better than expected. Data for those Americans filing to continued unemployment claims notched higher however. Approximately 3.5 million Americans filed to continue claims. Ultimately, stock indices in the U.S. stayed green. Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq, S&P 500 Stock Market Close Review: All three primary index composites in the U.S. closed the last session in the green. The DJIA finished the session higher by .05 percent at 12,890.46. The Nasdaq index finished the last session higher by .39 percent at 2,927.23 and the S&P 500 closed out the last session green by .15 percent at 1,351.95. Prior to opening bell today however, futures for the primary stock indices had turned green. Frank Matto

Unemployment Benefits for out of work America, Government Financial Assistance Federal Aid; Unemployment Benefit Insurance needed by Fewer...


dow2664 Federal Unemployment Benefit Claims Review: Unemployment claims dropped lower again in America last week. Fewer Americans are in need of government assistance as the U.S. economy steps forward on its path to sustained recovery. Economic data has skewed towards the positive side of the spectrum recently and America’s economic standing appears to be gaining positive position, especially when viewed with the backdrop of the ongoing debt crisis in the eurozone. According to the government data which posted last session, initial unemployment claims dropped lower by 15,000 to 358,000 last week. This data represented a mark better than that which was anticipated by many economists. This data however countered data which showed that more than 3.5 million Americans filed to continue unemployment benefit claims. This data was a bit stronger than what most economists were anticipating. The unemployment data parallels news stemming from Washington regarding House Senate negotiations pertaining to jobless benefits. Democrats on Capitol Hill proposed extending jobless benefits and cutting the payroll tax by two percentage points. The proposal stalled though as Democrats were unwilling to accept a deal that required Americans to endure drug testing in order to receive the benefits. Genny Germano

This Bull Market Is Running on Fumes


tdp2664 InvestorPlace The current market rally has been deceptively long, and a look at previous runs shows a short-term wall is nigh.

Scandal Isn’t Slowing Murdoch’s News Corp


tdp2664 InvestorPlace The tainted media giant has one glaring weak spot — its publishing unit — amid many strengths, including television and movies.

Todays gold price per ounce spot gold price per gram, silver price per ounce, Price of gold and silver rate review today


dow2664 Gold and silver price trends market review today: Gold and silver price per ounce trends were posting green during the last session. As of the mid-day mark, electronic price for both precious metal gold contract and precious metal silver contract posted green. Spot gold price per gram and spot silver price per ounce trends had turned green at this point as well. The dollar fell lower to the euro during the last session and this action helped investors position with precious metals gold and silver. Ultimately, both contracts finished the day on the positive side of break-even. Gold price per ounce and silver price per ounce contract close review today: Gold contract for April delivery finished the last session higher by .57 percent, positive 9.90, and finished the day at a closing price of 1741.20 per troy ounce. Silver contract for March delivery finished the last session higher by .63 percent, positive .123, at a closing floor price of 33.92 per troy ounce. Spot gold price per gram and spot silver price per ounce trends today: Trends for spot gold per gram and spot silver per ounce were trending positively after last session close and just prior to opening bell this morning, spot gold price trend-line and spot silver price trend-line movement was negative. Spot gold per gram was at 55.35 and spot silver per ounce was at 33.71. Camillo Zucari

Todays DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average DJI Index; Nasdaq Index; S&P 500 Stock market Investing News Today

Todays DJIA, Nasdaq, S&P 500 Market Trends Today: The primary indices in the
U.S. were posting green at the mid-way point of the last trading session, but
trends were choppy. The DJI Index , as well as the Nasdaq and the S&P 500
Indices, posted fluctuating trends throughout the last session. The ongoing debt
crisis in the eurozone is the primary catalyst for the inconsistent trends.
Economic data posting last session was also mixed . Although initial
unemployment claims dropped lower, those filing to continue claims notched
higher than expected. According to the governments data, the number of Americans
applying for first time unemployment dropped 15,000 to 358,000 for the week
ended Feb. 4. This mark was better than expected. Data for those Americans
filing to continued unemployment claims notched higher however. Approximately
3.5 million Americans filed to continue claims. Ultimately, stock indices in the
U.S. stayed green. Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq, S&P 500 Stock Market
Close Review: All three primary index composites in the U.S. closed the last
session in the green. The DJIA finished the session higher by .05 percent at
12,890.46. The Nasdaq index finished the last session higher by .39 percent at
2,927.23 and the S&P 500 closed out the last session green by .15 percent at
1,351.95. Prior to opening bell today however, futures for the primary stock
indices had turned green. Frank Matto

Todays gold price per ounce spot gold price per gram, silver price per ounce, Price of gold and silver rate review today

Gold and silver price trends market review today: Gold and silver price per
ounce trends were posting green during the last session. As of the mid-day mark,
electronic price for both precious metal gold contract and precious metal silver
contract posted green. Spot gold price per gram and spot silver price per ounce
trends had turned green at this point as well. The dollar fell lower to the euro
during the last session and this action helped investors position with precious
metals gold and silver. Ultimately, both contracts finished the day on the
positive side of break-even. Gold price per ounce and silver price per ounce
contract close review today: Gold contract for April delivery finished the last
session higher by .57 percent, positive 9.90, and finished the day at a closing
price of 1741.20 per troy ounce. Silver contract for March delivery finished the
last session higher by .63 percent, positive .123, at a closing floor price of
33.92 per troy ounce. Spot gold price per gram and spot silver price per ounce
trends today: Trends for spot gold per gram and spot silver per ounce were
trending positively after last session close and just prior to opening bell this
morning, spot gold price trend-line and spot silver price trend-line movement
was negative. Spot gold per gram was at 55.35 and spot silver per ounce was at
33.71. Camillo Zucari

Gold and Silver Prices Bounced Back on Thursday–Recap February 9

The bullion market continues to zigzag as gold and silver prices rose on
Thursday after they had declined on Wednesday. Crude oil prices also rose during
yesterdays trading; natural gas prices shifted from their recent downward trend
and also finished the day in the green. The Euro slightly appreciated against
the USD, while other major currencies (AUD and YEN) depreciated against the U.S
dollar. Here is a summary of the developments of precious metals and energy
commodities for February 9th, 2012: Precious Metals: Gold price rose on Thursday
by 1.14% to $1,741.2; Silver price also increased by 0.63% and reached $33.92.
During February, gold remained flat while silver rose by 1.97%.

Hedge Against Rising Rates With TMV


tdp2664 InvestorPlace If rates rise, bond prices should fall and TMV should rise. It’s "contra" fund, moving in the opposite direction of the 20-year U.S. Treasury bond.

Gold & Silver Prices – Daily Outlook February 10


DG365FD46564GFH654FU898 Precious metals prices continue to zigzag with no clear trend as they have rallied yesterday from Wednesday’s falls. The news from Greece of approving the recent austerity plan didn’t impress traders as the Euro only slightly rose on Thursday. ECB left the interest rate unchanged at 1%; ECB President voiced his concern over the economic outlook of EU and the debt crisis. Currently gold and silver prices are moderately falling. These are many news items on today’s agenda including: Great Britain PPI, Canadian Trade Balance report, U.S. Federal Budget Balance, American Trade Balance monthly report, and Bernanke’s Speech.

Nasdaq Is Practically Shouting, ‘Overbought!


tdp2664 InvestorPlace While the Dow Industrials and S&P 500 are also hitting new highs, the tech index’s relative strength indicator is flashing a bright warning.

Gold & Silver Prices – Daily Outlook February 10

Precious metals prices continue to zigzag with no clear trend as they have
rallied yesterday from Wednesdays falls. The news from Greece of approving the
recent austerity plan didnt impress traders as the Euro only slightly rose on
Thursday. ECB left the interest rate unchanged at 1%; ECB President voiced his
concern over the economic outlook of EU and the debt crisis. Currently gold and
silver prices are moderately falling. These are many news items on todays agenda
including: Great Britain PPI, Canadian Trade Balance report, U.S. Federal Budget
Balance, American Trade Balance monthly report, and Bernankes Speech.

Nasdaq Is Practically Shouting, ‘Overbought!

While the Dow Industrials and S&P 500 are also hitting new highs, the tech
index's relative strength indicator is flashing a bright warning.


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